Brussels: Telegram has channels that spread disinformation without mediation

Researchers from Maldita and the University of Granada presented a study at the conference “Disinformation in the EU 2024-2029: Challenges for a New Term”, held at the Press Club in Brussels on 27 September, concluding that disinformation content is circulating on the 95 Telegram channels studied. These channels could has a unlimited number of members.

“Although this content may also pose a threat to the information ecosystem on other major platforms, Telegram is not subject to the risk mitigation obligations of the European Digital Services Act, DSA, which proposes a rapid response after reporting”, the researchers stressed.

The research highlights that these so-called alternative channels exert greater influence than traditional media channels; that their audiences are engaged in participation, reactions and comments; these channels generate communities with other channels on similar topics and also serve as a link for sharing to other platforms, through links.

According to one of the study’s authors, Pablo Hernández, coordinator of academic research at Maldita, a Spanish fact-checking company, the research not only allowed us to understand how Telegram channels that present themselves as alternative work, but also how they take advantage of Telegram’s features to spread disinformation and conspiracy theories.

The study sought to discover patterns in approximately 1.4 million messages sent by these channels between December 2019 and August 31. These channels were selected based on previous research by Fundación and used five thematic groups: ‘COVID-19 and vaccines,’ ‘pro-Russian narratives,’ ‘climate change,’ ‘cross-cutting disinformation,’ and ‘media.’ The last group was introduced to provide contextual data for other channels.

Telegram says it does not use recommendation algorithms to “amplify viral content or make suggestions,” the researchers indicate. However, this does not seem to stop these alternative channels from continuing to expand their reach compared to those belonging to traditional media outlets that also share content on this platform. As Telegram says it does not reach the 45 million indicated in the regulation, it is not subject to DSA requirements on risks in the EU.

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