Academic event: Iberifier and Hybrids projects join forces to explore the impacts of AI on disinformation

On October 24 and 25, Santiago de Compostela will host an academic event focusing on the latest developments in «Artificial intelligence and disinformation» [Free registration]. Organized as part of the HYBRIDS Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, the joint event will feature a crucial contribution from Iberifier, the Digital Media Observatory for Spain and Portugal, which plays a pivotal role in examining the impact of disinformation in the Iberian media ecosystem. Iberifier, a member of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), will lead sessions dedicated to analyzing disinformation and its threats to democracy.

On October 24, three speakers from Iberifier will be participating. Ramón Salaverría, the coordinator of Iberifier and professor of Journalism at the University of Navarra (Spain), will lead a presentation outlining the latest advancements from the Observatory, offering insights into the fight against disinformation in Spain and Portugal. Paolo Rosso, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) expert and professor at the Technical University of Valencia (Spain), will discuss his team’s work on oppositional thinking analysis, comparing conspiracy theories with critical thinking narratives. Additionally, Miguel Paisana, from OberCom (Portugal), will delve into the impact of disinformation on the Portuguese media ecosystem and review international media literacy strategies aimed at combating these issues.

The contribution of Iberifier will continue with a roundtable discussion in the afternoon, where prominent journalists will debate the influence of artificial intelligence on disinformation. Moderated by HYBRIDS doctoral students, the panel will feature well-known media figures including Alfonso Pato, director of the Festival de Cans, César Rodríguez from La Voz de Galicia, Íñigo Caínzos from Radio Galicia (Cadena SER), Guillermo Infantes from, and Pablo Hernández Escayola, academic coordinator at Maldita. Both Newtral and Maldita are Iberifier consortium members.

On October 25, Guillermo Infantes, a fact-checking specialist at Newtral, will present a talk highlighting how specialized journalists tackle disinformation. He will explain the methods for identifying falsehoods, the patterns of disinformation campaigns, and the role artificial intelligence plays in amplifying or combating these efforts.

The entire event is free and open to both in-person and online participants, ensuring broad access to the discussions and research insights.

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