Monitoring the political content and disinformation disseminated on social media during the run-up to the European Elections reveals that immigration was the topic with the greatest reach and that interviews and entertainment programmes intensified the dissemination of information about the candidates, such as ‘Isto é a gozar com quem trabalha’ and Youtube’s ‘Bom Partido’. The research was carried out by ISCTE’s MediaLab team in partnership with the National Electoral Commission (CNE). The work is part of the IBERIFIER project.
The report analyses and details ten cases about immigration.
As was the case in the previous analysis on Legislative Elections, the amplification of disinformation narratives was carried out mainly by public organisations.
This monitoring corroborates what was observed in the legislative context: Instagram asserts itself as a platform for collecting interactions with few publications and Twitter/X as a platform for disseminating a greater volume of political content.
The Chega party obtains practically twice as many interactions as the total collected by the other political parties. This trend is transversal to all the networks analyzed, as it is one of the ones that publishes the most and receives the most interactions regardless of the social network.
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