IBERIFIER activity presented in Orlando, Florida

The Iberian Digital Media Observatory was one of the projects highlighted in the presentation that researcher Vitor Tomé presented on December 5th at the National Conference of the Association of Educational Services Agencies (AESA), which took place in Orlando, Florida, USA.

The 50-minute intervention started with the European Year of Digital Citizenship Education 2025, which will be launched in January, but then highlighted three projects based at the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES), as examples of fieldwork carried out in the area of ​​Media Literacy: IBERIFIER – Iberian Digital Media Observatory, Algowatch – Decoding Algorithms Media and AI Literacy for All and MIL Communicty Connections.

The participation of the Iscte researcher followed an invitation from the executive board of AESA, whose conference brought together a thousand delegates from 45 states in the United States of America.

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