Literacy: More than 20 sessions, five of them outside Europe, for diverse audiences and in informal spaces

Since May 2024, IBERIFIER has held 17 literacy sessions in Europe and 5 outside Europe, in places such as Cape Verde, Ghana and Ecuador, involving at least 886 participants, said those responsible for the literacy area of ​​the Digital Media Observatory of Spain and Portugal, Vítor Tomé and Charo Sádaba, in an interview that is part of the “Digital Media Literature in EDMO Round Table” interview series, published month to highlight the work of the 14 EDMO hubs.

Tomé is a professor at the Autonomous University and a researcher at CIES – IUL and Charo Sádaba is a professor at the University of Navarra.

The balance of the activity also includes interventions with diverse groups of people: from young children to older adults. “Our audience is now diverse both in terms of professional experiences and geographic locations. For example, we encourage training activities not only in formal educational environments, but also in informal places, such as museums, theme parks, book fairs”.

More information here:

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