The Communication Observatory produced a study on “Future axes of innovation for the media 2024/2025”. These researches explain, per example, that, according to the Next Gen News Report, young news consumers present needs and desires in relation to the way the news are presented to them. Being a digital native generation, the report concludes that legacy and online formats current ones do not satisfy the demand for this generation.
This is an audience which gives priority to convenience, language and the format in which consume news. This way, choose sources of information that require little effort in searching of information and that produce information in an accessible tone and sometimes relaxed. In this sense, the
innovation in news storytelling has to meet space, and respective formats, where most of these young people meet: the networks social.
This report aims to present different ideas and recommendations that can help brands in creating new audiences, and, consequently, the increase in its revenues and reach in terms of market.