Evento online: Increasing seniors’ resilience against mis- and disinformation: International examples

“Increasing seniors’ resilience against mis- and disinformation: International examples” es un evento online que tendrá lugar el día 17 de enero de 2023, organizado por el proyecto “SUM – Seniors United against Misinformation. Peer Learning Media Literacy Initiative for Seniors” El SUM está financiado por la European Commission’s Creative Europe, y está coordinado por Verificat junto con la University of Lapland and Housatonic.

Se detalla el programa a continuación:

Professionals and students working to increase seniors’ resilience against dis- and misinformation are welcome to attend! The event will include presentations of media literacy training activities by international experts from nonprofit organizations and initiatives. In addition, an opportunity to discuss the presentations will be offered.

The participation is free of charge. To register and receive a zoom link, please email Tero Luksua, [email protected], providing your name, the name of your organization and your position in the organization.

DATE: Tuesday, January 17, 2023

TIME: 16-17:30 CET

LOCATION: Zoom meeting


16:00-16:10: Welcome & SUM project presentation: Álvaro Alcalde Fábregas, SUM Coordinator, Associació Verificat, Spain

16:10-16:25: Alex Mahadevan, MediaWise, USA

16:25-16:40: Ximena Villagrán, Maldita, Spain

16:40-16:55: Patryk Zakrzewski, Demagog, Poland

16:55-17:10: Heini Huhtinen, the Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation, Finland

17:10-17:30: Questions & Comments

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