IBERIFIER in Poynter publication: Four fact – checks on political discourse addresses repeated false claims

The Poynter Institute published on 31 October a recent study with researches connected to IBERIFIER. The authors found that, in Spain, nearly one in four fact-checks on political discourse addresses repeated false claims. https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2024/one-in-four-repeated-falsehoods-undermine-fact-checking-efforts/

There is something wrong with democracy when politicians fail to mend their own ways, explains Ramón Salaverría, IBERIFIER coordinator, one of the authors. “We reveal that in Spain politicians fail to correct one in four of their falsehoods. And then they will say that the problem of misinformation is the media’s problem”.

The article: https://www.cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommunication/article/view/8642/3919

The Poynter Institute for Media Studies is a non-profit journalism school and research organisation in St. Petersburg, Florida, United States. The school owns the Tampa Bay Times newspaper and the International Fact-Checking Network. It also operates PolitiFact.

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